
Venetian Village Civic Association Bylaws (May/2009)

Article 1

We, the property owners of the Venetian Village Subdivision, for the mutual protection of our interests and for the advancement of our common welfare, do herewith organize ourselves into an Association to be known as "The Venetian Village Civic Association", a corporation chartered under the General "Not for Profit Act" of the State of Illinois.

Article 2 Membership *

Any owner or owners of property, or tenants interested in property located within the Venetian Village and Hartray-Hoffman subdivisions will be eligible for membership in this Association, and entitled to vote at any general election, if in good standing. A member in good standing is one who has, prior to the election, paid dues for the fiscal year.

Article 3 Dues *

The dues of the Association will be as follows: $25.00 per household per year, including one Venetian Village sticker. Additional stickers will be $1.00 each. The sticker will be similar in design to the Lake Villa Township sticker with the special addition of our own "Venetian Village" designation. The sticker will be recognized and function in the same way as the Township sticker. The sticker will be valid from January 1st through December 31st of the year of issue. Dues will not be prorated.

Article 4 Officers

The elective Offices of the Association will be President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and a minimum of four (4) trustees. All officers will serve without compensation. The President and Treasurer will be bonded for a minimum of $5,000.00. The cost of the Bond is to be paid by the Association. The amount of the bond must always exceed the annual budget amount.

Election of Officers will be held at the regular December meeting. The term of office will be for a period of two (2) years. All Officers will be installed into office at the first Regular meeting after the month of election.

In the event of a vacancy of an office, an election will be held in accordance with the following rules: Nominations, public notification, followed by the election at the next meeting.

Upon the absence of any officer or trustee from five (5) consecutive regular meetings the office or trusteeship will become vacant at the sixth meeting. The board of trustees will then nominate a candidate(s) for the office vacated and an election is to be held at the next Regular meeting.

Article 5 Duties of Officers

It will be the duty of the President to preside at the Regular meetings of the Association, and will by virtue of the office serve as oversight Chairman of All committees and be considered a member of the Trustees.

It will be the duty of the Vice-President to assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

It will be the duty of the Trustees to appropriate and approve all expenditures exceeding $25.00, with the exception of the monthly utility bills for the Hall which will be paid by the Treasurer upon receiving them. The Trustees will also supervise all Activities connected with the Association. A Chairman of the Trustees will be elected by the Trustees and will serve a term of one (1) year.

No appropriation shall at any time exceed the amount of the Treasury. A balance of $300.00 must be maintained in the General fund at all times unless the expenditure is approved by a vote of the Trustees.

It will be the duty of the Chairman of the Trustees to preside at the Regular meeting of the Association in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

It will be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys paid or donated into the Association. A monthly Treasury report will be prepared for presentation at the regular meeting. The Treasurer will keep an accurate record of all moneys received, pay all utility bills and other bills which have been approved by the Trustees. All checks must be signed by either the Treasurer or the President. All financial records of the Treasurer must be audited at the end of the fiscal year (the normal calendar year). The President will appoint a committee of three members to conduct the audit. Following the audit, the annual financial report will be prepared and distributed to the current members.

It will be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep and record the minutes of all meetings of the Association: to make up and distribute all notices of the Association and conduct all correspondence of the Association. The Recording Secretary will also serve as Secretary to the Trustees.

Article 6 Meetings

All Meetings; Regular, Special, and Trustees, will be conducted under the procedures as established in Robert's Rules of Order.

All Regular meetings of the Association will be held on a day and time agreed upon by the General Membership.

Special meetings may be called by the President of Board of Trustees as may be deemed necessary.

Trustees meeting may be called by the Chairman of the Trustees as may be deemed necessary.

At a Regular meeting of the Association a quorum of at least seven current paid members must be present for the transaction of official business.

At a Trustees meeting at least four(4) Trustees must be present for the transaction of official business.

All regular meetings are to be held in the Venetian Village Civic Association Hall and members must be notified in advance of the meeting of the day and time of the meeting.

Article 7

Motions made to change the BYLAWS of The Association made at any Regular or Special meeting must be published and mailed to all members in good standing. The proposed changes will be discussed and or amended at the next meeting following notification, and then voted on at that meeting if a quorum is present.

Article 8

All committees will be appointed by the President. The following will be known as standing committees: Township Liaison Committee, Property Committee, Membership Committee, Ways and Means Committee, Nominating Committee, Rental Committee.

Article 9 Duties of Committees

It will be the duty of the Township Liaison Committee to work with Lake Villa Township Officials to insure proper maintenance of the roads, ditches, parks, lakes and sanitation at all times.

It will be the duty of the Property Committee to take charge of all property of the Association, to make a record of it and conduct and annual inventory. It will be a further duty of the property committee to appoint or hire a custodian when and if necessary to maintain the property in a good state of repair.

It will be the duty of the Membership committee to solicit new membership into the Association and to encourage renewal membership in the Association. The committee will assist the Officers and Trustees in the collection of dues for membership in the Association.

It will be the duty of the Ways and Means committee to work closely with the Trustees in establishing fund raising activities for the Association. This committee will seek volunteers to assist at such activities and formulate procedures to be followed for fund raising activities.

It will be the duty of the Nominating Committee to solicit the membership for volunteers to fill the positions of elective office. The committee will be appointed by the President at the November Meeting and WILL submit a slate of candidates at the December meeting. Further nominations will be accepted from the floor at the December meeting.

It will be the duty of the Rental Committee to show the Hall to members and others who may be interested in renting it. The rental committee will hold keys to the hall and maintain a record of all those who have keys to the Hall. The rental committee will check the hall on or prior to the day of rental to be sure that the hall is clean. The Rental Committee will check the Hall after a rental to be sure that it has been properly cleaned before releasing the cleanup deposit.